A common condition that affects men, gynecomastia relates to the increase of the size of male breast. It can either be a result of hormone fluctuations, weight gain, medication and health conditions or genetics and more. The ability to create beautiful and harmonious male chest is both an art and a science. Dr. Ektor's years of extensive experience in High-Definition Liposculpture Surgery have led him to combine the most advanced technologies for body contouring available, such as VASER®, BODYTITE® and RENUVION®, into a unique and powerful protocol, the
SLIM-TIGHT Liposculpture method. This enables him to achieve unparalleled high-definition results, helping you to restore your masculinity.


Gynecomastia, though not usually a cause for serious health concern, it can result in physical discomfort, as well as emotional, mental and psychological distress for those affected with the condition. Gynecomastia can be addressed by surgically removing excess breast tissue through a very small incision (1cm) around the nipple-areola, therefore, restoring the normal breast contour, and correcting the deformity of the breast. Fat removal can be carried out through surgical excision and/or liposuction. Special attention is always given to the final shape of the male breast, through the use of High-Definition Liposculpture techniques (VASER, BODYTITE, RENUVION), so that the muscular anatomy is revealed in a harmonious manner.
Dr. Ektor is a firm believer in tailored solutions that fit the specific unique characteristics of every patient. In order to achieve this, a range of careful measurements is undertaken before the procedure, together with extensive photo-documentation of the target area. Furthermore, Dr.Ektor always performs a pre-operative 3D simulation of the operation, so that you can have a clear idea of what to expect after the procedure. Once your individual operative plan is completed, it is then followed diligently in the operating room. Performed with extraordinary attention to detail and an unparalleled artistic eye, Dr. Ektor takes special care to ensure minimal scarring and an exceptionally natural-looking end-result.

Gynaecomastia surgery is carried out under general anaesthesia or sedation. The operation normally takes 2 hours to complete and the patient can usually return home the same day, wearing a special compression bra. There is minimal discomfort after the procedure, which can be easily managed with home analgesia. The patient is recommended to avoid exercise and heavy physical activity for 1 month post-op, while, he should continue to wear the compression bra during this time. The stitches do not need removal as they are resorpable.
The VASER System provides an advanced technology compared to traditional liposuction, through the use of acoustic ultrasound which dissolves the stubborn fat in the deep and superficial layers and heats the skin, making it possible to achieve superior high-definition aesthetic results:
Enhanced skin retraction and tightening
Increased muscular definition due to superficial fat removal
Less post-op pain, swelling, and downtime
Results seen as early as 1 week with precise sculpting and continue to improve for the next 3-6 months

BodyTite is a semi-invasive procedure that tightens the skin of the body with precision creating youthful, smooth and glowing results. BodyTite can also be perfectly combined with liposuction, as part of the SLIM-TIGHT liposculpture protocol, to tighten the skin after fat removal. As we remove fat from certain areas, the skin begins to sag and appear loose. Dr. Ektor introduces BodyTite – a highly effective, minimally invasive treatment for body contouring. BodyTite uses radiofrequency (RF) energy to tighten your skin while remodeling unwanted fat deposits and reducing the appearance of skin laxity in a targeted manner.
BodyTite works best to enhance the youthful appearance of difficult-to-treat areas of the body, without the risk of any complications and surgical scars. You can expect to achieve significant bodycontouring, skin remodelling, and body tightening results without having to undergo invasive surgery.
Benefits for Your Body:
-Lifting and tightening of sagging skin
-Reducing stubborn fat
-Reducing the appearance of stretch marks and skin dimpling improving body silhouette
Renuvion is a minimally-invasive procedure that uses Helium J-plasma and proprietary RF energy to contour and improve the appearance of loose skin. It is a truly new generation product and the result of years of scientific research, testing, and refinement.
Renuvion is a unique combination of helium plasma and proprietary RF energy. During use, Renuvion allows for the tissue to immediately reach the instant tissue contraction zone of 85oC with minimal thermal spread, and cool to baseline temperatures in less than a second, making it safe against any risk of burn injury. No other technology in the market can do this.
The wand is inserted under the skin and delivers a unique combination of radiofrequency energy and helium plasma to the collagen-rich tissue that’s a primary cause of loose skin. This energy contracts these collagen fibers and pulls the skin down, closer to the muscle, for a more contoured appearance. Renuvion is the result of decades of research, evidence-based medicine and clinical data.
All technologies used in the SLIM-TIGHT Liposculpture method, such as VASER liposuction, BODYTITE and RENUVION, arecompletely safe and cleared by the FDA. You will have absolutely no risk of skin burn with these advanced, automated technologies.
SLIM-TIGHT HD-Liposculpture of the male chest involves minimal downtime, and most patients would be able to go back to their normal work routine in about two to three days after the procedure. The swelling and bruising that normally occur usually subside within 2-4 weeks.
While the results are often noticeable within a few days, you will continue to experience tightening, firming up, and smoothing in the treated areas over several months(3-6 months) as your the swelling subsides and skin regenerates naturally from within.

Dr. Ektor is a true innovator when it comes to high-definition body contouring surgery and gynaecomastia repair. As one of the first doctors to formally introduce these advanced technologies (VASER Lipo, BODYTITE, RENUVION) in Greece and Cyprus, he has gathered significant experience in these particular treatments. He is also the first doctor to ever combine these methods into one single effective protocol, the SLIM-TIGHT Liposculpture method. Dr. Ektor has over 20 years of experience in body contouring cosmetic surgery and is one of the leaders in the field nationwide. He has also worked with other world-renowned surgeons in Germany, Sweden and in the USA, exchanging knowledge and further improving his skills, making him a real master of body contouring surgery.
Dr. Ektor is a big believer in the fact that best post-operative results can only be achieved through careful and detailed pre-operative planning. This is why he always uses the most advanced tools that allow him to plan and discuss with his patients each individual outcome. The use of 3D Simulation (Crisalix 3D) allows the doctor to predict important aspects that require clarification before a body contouring procedure, while the patient feels reassured that the result will perfectly fulfil his/her expectations.
GR: Είναι επώδυνη η διαδικασία; ΕΝ: Is the procedure painful?GR:Δεν υπάρχει σημαντικός πόνος που να σχετίζεται με τη χειρουργική επέμβαση κοιλιοπλαστικής - λιποαναρροφησης, καθώς εφαρμόζεται ατραυματική τεχνική. Οι ασθενείς συνήθως επιστρέφουν σπίτι την ιδια ή την επόμενη ημέρα με στοματική αναλγησία, την οποία συνεχίζουν για 1 εβδομάδα. EN: There is no significant pain associated with tummy tuck -liposuction surgery, since an atraumatic technique is used. Patients usually return home the same or the next day with oral analgesia, which they continue for 1 week.
GR: Η διαδικασία πρέπει να γίνεται υπό γενική αναισθησία; EN: Is general anaesthesia always necessary for the procedure?GR: Η διαδικασία λιποαναρρόφησης / λιπογλυπτικής μπορεί να πραγματοποιηθεί υπό καταστολή, χωρίς να απαιτείται γενική αναισθησία. Ωστόσο, για πιο δύσκολες περιπτώσεις, καθώς και σε πλήρη κοιλιοπλαστική, όπου ο χρόνος επέμβασης υπερβαίνει τις 2 ώρες, συνιστάται γενική αναισθησία για την άνεση του ασθενούς. EN: The liposuction procedure can be carried out under sedation, without need for general anaesthesia. However. for more difficult cases, as well as tummy tuck procedures, where the operation time exceeds 2 hours, general anaesthesia is recommended for patient comfort.
GR: Απαιτείται διανυκτέρευση στο νοσοκομείο μετά την επέμβαση; EN: Will i have to stay in the hospital overnight after the procedure?GR: Στις περισσότερες περιπτώσεις μετά από μια επέμβαση λιποαναρρόφησης - λιπογλυπτικής οι ασθενείς μπορούν να επιστρέψουν σπίτι την ίδια ή επόμενη ημέρα. Ωστόσο. για πιο βαριές περιπτώσεις, καθώς και σε επεμβάσεις πλήρους κοιλιοπλαστικής, όπου ο χρόνος επέμβασης υπερβαίνει τις 5 ώρες, συνιστάται διανυκτέρευση 2 ημερών στο νοσοκομείο για την άνεση και ασφαλή κινητοποίηση του ασθενούς. EN: In most cases, after a liposuction operation, patients can return home the same or the next day. However. for more difficult cases, as well as in full tummy tuck procedures, where the operation time exceeds 5 hours, a 2 night stay in the hospital is recommended for the patient's comfort and safe mobilization.
GR: Χρειάζεται να φοράω ειδικό κορσέ μετά την επέμβαση; EN: Do i need to wear a special compression garment after surgery?GR: Ναι, η χρήση κορσέ συμπίεσης συνιστάται για ένα μήνα μετεγχειρητικά προκειμένου να επιταχυνθεί η μείωση του οιδήματος και να βελτιωθεί η συστολή του δέρματος. EN: Yes, wearing a compression garment is recommended for one month post-operatively in order to speed up settling of the swelling and promote skin contraction.
GR: Πότε μπορώ να συνεχίσω τις αθλητικές και άλλες σωματικές δραστηριότητες; EN: When can i resume sport and other physical activities?GR: Οι ασθενείς μπορούν να συνεχίσουν την άσκηση και άλλες βαριές σωματικές δραστηριότητες 1 μήνα μετά τη διαδικασία. EN: Patients can resume exercise and sport 1 month after the procedure.
GR: Μπορώ να δω το αποτέλεσμα μου πριν από το χειρουργείο; EN: Can i see my result before surgery?GR: Με τη χρήση της πιο προηγμένης τεχνολογίας τρισδιάστατης προσομοίωσης (Crisalix 3D) σας δίνουμε την ευκαιρία να δείτε το τελικό σας αποτέλεσμα πριν την επέμβαση, ώστε να μπορείτε να συζητήσετε με τον γιατρό όποιες λεπτομέρειες σας απασχολούν. EN: With the use of the most advanced technology for 3D simulation imaging (Crisalix 3D) we give you the opportunity to see your final result before surgery, so that you can discuss with the doctor fine adjustments and details.